المرجع: 3405

سبراى شحمة 1400 WURTH

معجون تشحيم رمادي خال من المعادن يقلل من التآكل ويفصل بشكل موثوق ويوفر حماية فائقة من التآكل.للاستخدام العالمي ، مرن وشديد الالتصاقيضمن سهولة الحركة والحد الأدنى من التآكل بفضل سعة التحميل عالية الضغطيمنع التآكل والاستيلاء والحرقيضمن فك موحد للوصلات اللولبية ، وهو مثالي كمعجون فصل للوصلات اللولبية المصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ
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عامل التصفية النشط
  • العلامة التجارية: VMD ITALT SPRAY

المرجع: 111114101

العلامة التجارية: VMD ITALT SPRAY

دهان سبراى ابيض حراري ايطالي VMD100HT

High quality and high covering capacity paint based on modified silicone resins. Temperature resistant up to 600°c. Perfect for finishing and/or renewing all areas subjected to high temperatures not exposed to direct contact with the flame such as stoves, fireplaces, boilers, furnaces, chimney flues, barbecues, manifolds, exhaust, brake calipers etc. The...

المرجع: 111114102

العلامة التجارية: VMD ITALT SPRAY

دهان سبراى احمر حراري ايطالي VMD100HT

High quality and high covering capacity paint based on modified silicone resins. Temperature resistant up to 600°c. Perfect for finishing and/or renewing all areas subjected to high temperatures not exposed to direct contact with the flame such as stoves, fireplaces, boilers, furnaces, chimney flues, barbecues, manifolds, exhaust, brake calipers etc. The...

المرجع: 111114103

العلامة التجارية: VMD ITALT SPRAY

دهان سبراى اسود حراري ايطالي VMD100HT

High quality and high covering capacity paint based on modified silicone resins. Temperature resistant up to 600°c. Perfect for finishing and/or renewing all areas subjected to high temperatures not exposed to direct contact with the flame such as stoves, fireplaces, boilers, furnaces, chimney flues, barbecues, manifolds, exhaust, brake calipers etc. The...

المرجع: 111114104

العلامة التجارية: VMD ITALT SPRAY

دهان سبراى المنيوم حراري ايطالي VMD100HT

High quality and high covering capacity paint based on modified silicone resins. Temperature resistant up to 600°c. Perfect for finishing and/or renewing all areas subjected to high temperatures not exposed to direct contact with the flame such as stoves, fireplaces, boilers, furnaces, chimney flues, barbecues, manifolds, exhaust, brake calipers etc. The...

المرجع: 111114122

العلامة التجارية: VMD ITALT SPRAY

دهان سبراى فسفوري ايطالي VMD64

Spray paint for specific tracing on masonry, floors, asphalt, concrete and wood. The product has excellent adhesion to the surface, excellent coverage, high resistance to wear and atmospheric elements. The product can be used in all positions thanks to the special self-cleaning 360° valve. The special dispensing cap allows easy use without getting dirty...

المرجع: 3409

العلامة التجارية: VMD ITALT SPRAY

سبراى تلميع ستانلس 400ML ايطالي VMD38

This product is specifically formulated for cleaning polished or satin metallic surfaces such as stainless steel, aluminium and chrome plating. It removes fingerprints, grease and oil; it is antidust and antioxidant. It does not contain abrasives. It is suitable for cleaning and protecting kitchen surfaces, fridges, miscellaneous equipment, lift doors and...

المرجع: 3410

العلامة التجارية: VMD ITALT SPRAY

سبراى تنظيف بريك وكلتش 400ML VMD39

The product formulation has been developed for optimum cleaning of motors and braking bodies of disc or drum brakes including calipers, brake pads, brake shoes, cylinder, plate etc. It removes dust caused by the rubbing of the pads and removes dirt, grease, and oil that can compromise the efficiency of the braking system. It dries quickly without leaving...

المرجع: 111114111

العلامة التجارية: VMD ITALT SPRAY

سبراى سحب كوابل 400ML ايطالي VMD25

Product that facilitates the insertion and sliding in a sheath of electrical cables, telephone cables, optical fibres and probes. The lubricant foam inserted into the pipes decreases the friction points even in curves and more hidden gaps. The cable, passing into the interior of the foam, is fully lubricated increasing the flowability and preserving from...

المرجع: 111114112

العلامة التجارية: VMD ITALT SPRAY

سبراى مزيل صدا 400ML ايطالي VMD72

New formulation product, suitable for removing even the most resistant and layered rust; with high penetrating and lubricant power. The spray, while icing, breaks and separates the molecules that make up the rust causing a different thermal expansion between the rust and the sub-layer which allows the active ingredient to penetrate deeply. The product...